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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to respect "boobs" in the cosplay community, the gentleman way

As a gentleman, I must admit to the wonders of creation. Trees grow, birds fly and sing, and love exists between us, human beings. Our bodies are also wonders in themselves, and like any other person, I have once been perplexed at the human body. And I think that it is timely since GT posted recent boob reviews which attest to his wonder at creation(erm), I thought that it is only fitting that I try my hand at writing about boobs, in a gentlemanly way, and applied in the cosplay community.
As men, we just have to accept the cold, hard fact that we are interested in the bosoms of women, whether they may be ample, flat or gigantic(whatever gets you off, sport.) But what we fail to forget, that as gentlemen, it should not be our main interest in a lady.Respect and true love comes first; but since it's "right in front of us", we should tackle the topic "upfront". Here is PancitLomi's nonperverted guide to boobs.

1. Never look at it for more than a split second, and never more than once.
Remember, that your interest should not be in the chest of your cosplay goddess, but your interest should be focused on her as a whole, as a person. Therefore, if you fancy a gander at her beautiful bosom,then never look at it for more thana split second. Never look at it more than once; only perverts do that. Besides, if you don't ingrain that positively beautiful image in your memory in one try, there's a chance you'll get caught looking and be apprehended for it.

2.If you're going to compliment her, compliment everything but her boobs.
This isn't exactly rocket science. What kind of detestable nitwit compliments a girl's boobs, thinking that he'll get some "pogi points" off it? You'll only look like a pervert and an idiot, both of which are ungentlemanly traits. "Nice rack" doesn't exactly sound good, and using the words "great titties" could garner you a quick slap in the face. There are a lot of different things about her that you could actually compliment. Try starting with "You look great", "you look beautiful" or "nice costume".

3.Block pervert's cameras.
In the comments section of my previous blog entries, I've been receiving reports from readers seeing pervographers taking pictures of cosplayers in lewd and weird angles. And as a convention goer, i've seen it a lot of times myself.
As a gentleman, it is your task to protect these ladies and block the cameras of evil lust. If you caught one pervographer focusing his camera on boobs, then tap him in the shoulder and reprimand him for it, and ask that person politely to delete the photograph. There's nothing wrong about doing it-it's a lot better than doing nothing and not having a care. People go to conventions to see great cosplay, not boobs, and so should you.

4.No physical contact, and respect her personal space, physical and otherwise.
When taking pictures with a cosplayer, never initiate physical contact. Don't hug, don't touch, don't put your arm around her, and don't get anywhere remotely near her boobs. Imagine if a total stranger acted all weird with you and just touched you. Wouldn't that be a bother? Especially when you're scantily clad and every male organism in the vicinity is a possible suspect. Also, provide her ample personal space by not asking questions such as whether she has a boyfriend or a kid. If you seem invasive of her personal space, she will hide in her shell and look at you as a scary pervert from inside.

5.Don't try to be a white knight. Actions speak louder than words.
Prove that you're a man and convey your thoughts with your actions rather than words. Just like number 3, do your best to block cameras that are taking weird pictures of your cosplay goddess. By not enacting physical contact, you're proving that you're respecting her space with your actions. Respect the bosom of your cosplay goddess(and her, too)through what you do, not what you only say. There is no better way to better way to express your ideals than your actions. Trolling her Facebook fans is a no-no.
6.If you want some time alone, approach her when she's changed.
Some cosplayers wear skimpy costumes that sometimes reveal some parts of their bosom, so its not ideal to approach your cosplay goddess while she's in full gear. First, because she's enjoying her time as a cosplayer and showing off her costume, and second, because its ill-advised to do so since it shows that you're only interested in her while she's in cosplay gear, or you're either interested in her boobs. Boobs do not constitute the woman as a whole; you might like them, but there is a lot more wondrous things that there is in a woman other than her rack. So approach her when she's done cosplaying, introduce yourself, and keep your eyes and your mind off her rack and just focus on her.

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