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Today Cosplay

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

GT needs your indie manga scans!

I tend to shy away from locally made indie comics not because of their minuscule price tags, but because I've never really come across any title that reached out to me. In fact, the reason why I'm confident about dabbling into the manga scene is because, in my knowledge, pretty much everything published independently out there is putrid crap. Either it's trying too hard to be Filipino or they completely lack identity, stuck somewhere between Japanese manga tropes and a failed attempt to be familiar with the Filipino audience.

Truth be told, I haven't seen every single indie comic out there. Perhaps I am simply oblivious to the good stuff that actually do exist. I want to find out, so I dare you to send me scans or even links to scans of local indie manga that you think I'll be able to read through the end without pulling a single hair out in frustration of how incompetent people can be.

Send them to

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