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Today Cosplay

Friday, April 15, 2011

Top 6 Reasons Why Cosplay Photographers are Pathetic

They don't belong anywhere. Nearly the entirety of the notorious pack consists of talentless wannabes whose photography skills could put as much food on a table as RG has sex with real human beings. The sad truth is that cosplay photographers are in their chosen field because they wouldn't pass for a cocksucker job anywhere else. Their mediocrity is exclusively acceptable in a community where the barometer of quality merely goes from bad to terrible. Put a cosplay photographer in a real stint and he wouldn't know which end of the camera takes pictures. After all, they're only familiar with portraiture where good composition is when you can see boobies.

They have dirty old men as role models. To earn distinction as a cosplay photographer, you gotta be three things: old, owner of a robust portfolio that would put FHM photographers to shame, and a charmer who can convince young girls to be under your tutelage. Look at the guys cosplay photographers honor with a "sir" and you'll see what I mean.

They are posers. Like metal heads who can't play instruments and emo kids who don't cut themselves, cosplay photographers have little in them to deserve the suffix. If they're photographers, then every lunatic who flashes on the street is a porn star.

They will never get laid with their models. One of the major motivations in delving into the highly coveted art of cosplay photography is the idea that a DSLR is the best pick-up line when dealing with cosplay babes. While there certainly have been success stories in that department (ask the midget with a huge chin), it turns out girls aren't obscenely stupid after all. As it stands, cosplay photographers scoring with their models remains a myth, which largely diminishes their reason for living.

They are gay. Aside from the delusion of getting laid through photography, another reason to start pressing the shutter is to relive childhood memories. Cosplay photographers do this by playing real-life Barbie: they doll up their models and put them in all sorts of backdrops, the same way they dressed up their Barbies and placed them in dollhouses. If you still need more signs to figure out how gay these cosplay photographers are, maybe you're trying to hide your own sexuality problems.

They suck. In an environment where dedication precedes skill and talent, the room for improvement is tighter than a virgin asshole. Cosplay photographers take literally thousands of pictures every outing, but these pictures are like games in 1001 in 1 Famicom cartridges. They're the same shit over and over again, with minor deviations in each shot so the photographer can pretend he was "trying to get it right". It doesn't matter if we're talking about convention veterans or promising prospects - the results are consistently shitty

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