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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Climb a mountain with GT for CHARITY!

Why stay in your room all day playing online games and masturbating to cartoon porn when you can climb a mountain with star blogger GamerTotoy and have the greatest time of your life?

Yes, you read that RIGHT! Now is finally YOUR chance to meet your biggest idol and go on an adventure with him... for CHARITY!

This April 20 to 24, you can join me and a bunch of other cool guys as we climb Mount Banahaw for a spiritual retreat you will NEVER forget! That's right, you'll be with GT not just for one day or two days or three, but FIVE days!

What's the catch, you say? There's always a catch, right?

Well, no, there is NO catch! This is a charity event and all the proceeds will go to an amazing martial arts master who can't pay his rent because I'm a stingy bastard who lets the women handle front desk fees. For an amazing offer of ONLY P2000, you will get to climb the most sacred mountain in the country with GT for FIVE days!

There you can peacefully meditate away from the bustling city life or take a crap in the woods like you've ALWAYS wanted! If you wish to follow the menu, there will be LOTS of meditation and three days of starving to NEAR DEATH! Isn't that EXCITING!

I repeat, for ONLY P2000 pesos you'll be able to conquer Mt. Banahaw and become a better person in FIVE days! In this endeavor, you can expect the following:
  • Spiritual enlightenment (depending on how deep your spirituality is as of the current time)
  • Starve on a mountain for three days and live to tell the tale
  • Be one with Mother Nature - meditate in a dark cave with bats and sleep beside snakes and ants!
Mt. Banahaw is known for all things paranormal. You can Google tons of info about it, but the most important part is it's a place where famed spiritual researcher Jaime Licauco discovered the truth behind reincarnation and soulmates. Who knows? In this trip, you might find out that GT is YOUR soulmate!

But wait, there's MORE!

If you call within 48 hours, you WILL receive a free session of martial arts training from one of the few REAL masters in the country! That's right, a spiritually enlightening retreat AND martial arts training for ONLY P2000!

What are you WAITING for? Call now!

Or send an e-mail to, which is actually your only option.

(P.S. I know Mt. Banahaw is a volcano. "Let's climb an active volcano!" is not very appealing, is it?)

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