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Today Cosplay

Sunday, June 19, 2011

PinoyCosplay Presents: Albert Wesker

Powerhungry, lacks knowledge and dumb, Albert Wesker was a child who sought Alodia for his own gain. Basically, this man wants to be the next Alodia. 

After the incident at Yahoo! Wesker saw the downfall of his goddess. 
 So he infected himself with the Aloboros, in order to be the next Alodia, in order to replace her, once her nose or cheeks fall from her face. Below is a pic of him trying to hide from Animal Planet's cameramen. 
Evolution from random Alotard to Alodia takes time. But unfortunately, Wesker cannot control the Aloboros inside him. In order to control it, he goes online and faps to his goddess. (below you can see a pic of him searching the net, focused on releasing his load on his goddess) His monstrous change of appearance below is caused by the Aloboros. 

 If he loses control of the Aloboros, he shall go on a rampage and hurt people and probably infect women, just like what he and other infected did during ToyCon 2011. Those who are infected with the Aloboros, requires daily exposure to the goddess, although too much exposure would also make them lose control.

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