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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

An Open Letter to Alodia's Fans

You created a monster.

First of all, I get it. Okay? I get it. I _get_ Alodia. I get how you like her. I get how you adore her for her looks, her personality, and if I'm not mistaken she's pretty handy with the pen too (if it's really her drawing her art a long time ago, and not some offering made by a devoted fan willing to ghost-draw for her). She looks good with any costume; I think you can put her in a mascot costume depicting the Elder God Cthulhu and she'd probably look like someone you'd want to bone. Or maybe cuddle. I'm going towards boning more though.

The fact is, I get why you fans drool over her. And you know what? That's cool. We're cool. She's hitting all the bases after all. There's a well-defined criteria on how one succeeds as an idol, and on the baseline I think she's doing okay.

But you bastards have turned her into something that's trite, deplorable, and undignified.

Day one, you've never stopped praising her. You've never given her reason to improve. You saw someone who could act like a vapid whore in clothes vaguely resembling that of your favorite 2D girl and you clung to her like leeches. You never challenged her beyond her having to photoshop her images to aryan perfection, you never gave her a reason to try and pull off more exciting and more original photoshoots. You gave her your complete attention without her even having to work on her acting skills.

She could have been something bigger. Can you assholes compare her to the idols of Japan? The idols that bleed for every smiling picture, who cry over failed voice acting lessons, who sing themselves hoarse with each album they put out, who get over the shame of wearing skimpy outfits just for your entertainment?

NO! Right now she's just a piece of pretty furniture on TV. Even the Sexbomb Dancers rate higher than her. Even the Sexbomb Dancers have more recall, more fans, and DEFINITELY A LOT MORE PROFESSIONALISM.

The reason why Japanese idols rate far better than frickin' moviestars over in Japan is because of their audience. The Japanese idol audience is a literal monster. They are critical of everything their idol does - from the way she dresses, to what she eats, to the decisions she makes in her careers. The japanese idol KNOWS her bread and butter is her audience, and she is driven to sleepless nights trying to be perfect for them. And they become perfect, they become such superstars BECAUSE they have been made to work for it. They have been made to suffer for it. No Japanese idol would ever resort to doing something as fucking CHEATING in an online popularity poll. She would be committing career suicide.

On the other hand, you guys just fall all over yourselves worshiping the very ground she walks on.

You guys made Alodia into who she was, now choke on it.

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