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Today Cosplay

Monday, May 9, 2011

Radioactive Sago Project

Ah, cosplayers. It's bad enough that they're social retards that should be burned at the stake for being useless parasitic pieces of elephant shit who do nothing but waste Earth's valuable resources for naught. But another thing is that they're uncultured trash. They only know how to do "Asian poses" and dance to K-pop (which lyrics they don't even understand). The only music they hear come from anime (which rarely ever contribute to their development as human beings), and the only news they know of is the rumored disappearance of Maria Ozawa when the tsunami hit Japan.

If anyone needs education, it's them. We don't need the RH Bill or some other preposterous government effort for dirty politicians to launder taxpayers' money. Opening their eyes to the world can be very simple. As simple as letting them listen to music like this.

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