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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

GamerTotoy Soapbox: On underage sex

So lately some professional cosplay princess having sex at 14 has been all the rage, with one side saying the whore did an evil act, while another contends her crime is being a whore and not popping her cherry at a young age. In these discussions the great GT tends to lean towards the former proposition. Now I will explain why.

Let me start off by saying I'm against the RH Bill because of three simple things:
  1. RH Bill means less virgins to bleed dry.
  2. I do not use condoms anyway. Girls should take pills in case of accidental spills.
  3. RH Bill is just another vehicle for corruption. I pay my taxes and I don't want it wasted on that shit.
On the topic of underage sex and its dire effects on teens, there is little I can put on the table that you will not find in self-help books and other publications relating to the issue at hand. I just want to be on the record so you annoying fuckers would stop asking me about it, or at least retort with something new.

Early sex can fuck you up in a myriad of ways. You know what happens to victims of child-molesting? How about the story behind a lot of porn stars who aren't in it for the fame and glory? No need to even mention the teen moms because everyone knows about them already.

 It would be strenuously time-consuming to elaborate on this point in great detail, so you should look up the answers to my questions yourself. On my part I've met a few psycho bitches who'd do Freud proud for proving his breakthroughs in psychoanalysis, and a lot more "sexually active" young women who definitely have different personalities from those who have tighter holes.

Early sex diminishes the "magic" of sex. In this day in age romance and human intimacy are already losing rapidly to the advent of technology. Why write a letter when you can tag your lover on a note? Why talk to her in person or on the phone when you can just chat online? (This is tricky because I keep in mind that my readers are mostly cosplayers, who happen to be socially retarded which often come together with terrible conversational skills or speech impediments.)

In today's era people's view on sex has changed as much as communication has, so we can draw parallels here. Like whispering sweet nothings and going on wonderful dates which have been taken for granted, sex is losing its value. From a generation that revered the first kiss, we are now seeing kids who fuck like dogs as soon as the guy can maintain an erection.

The result? Sex is becoming less of a deeply intimate and privileged experience to be shared with a loved one. Instead, it is turning into more of a dating staple than taking a walk in the park or watching a movie together. Why? Because sex is now a kiddy thing. I still find it outrageous that Gossip Girl is for teens, and I'm not exactly the first guy you'd call old-fashioned. Suddenly, sleeping around with every "hottie" in town is good reading material for 13-year-olds.
Early sex equals regret. Countless of published studies show that a great number of adults who had their first sex before they turned 17 regret not waiting. The headcount of sour ones is dwindling, but this is often attributed to increasingly pervasive external factors such as peer pressure and the media. In other words, there is very little to suggest that sex simply has become less mysterious and taboo.

Nothing positively lowers the average age of devirginization; it is merely a cultural byproduct of the oversexualized media (because sex sells), among other things. Sex as a kid is still a matter of regret as it was a few years ago, only it doesn't bother kids these days too much because of desensitization.


I could go on and on and on if I had the time. Fortunately, it's abnormally hot so the next time I skip training could be very soon.

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