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Today Cosplay

Thursday, May 19, 2011

BDSM Tales of Rolando Gaston

Over the next couple of weeks it was business as usual for RG and Andy. There were only two exceptions. The first one was when he told her he liked her calling him Sir. Since it was normal for an employee to address a supervisor as Sir he wanted her to continue calling him that. The second thing was that he wanted her to meet him for lunch break in the food court each evening ana he would begin teaching her what he wanted her to know as His submissive.

To begin with he wrote down a few links online about Dominants and submissives. He told her that he had been a practicing Dominant for almost twenty years. He said he would help her learn and that he wanted her to start by reading the assignments he gave her. He added that they would discuss any questions she had.

At night Andy stayed up late reading all she could find online about submission. The more she read the more she knew that she had finally found her place in the world. She also loved knowing that the handsome RG would teach her to be His submissive the way he wanted her. She didn’t know what he had in mind exactly, but he had told her that she would get her first lesson soon.

In the meantime she continued to read until she was staying up late every night. RG noticed her yawning at work a couple of times and when he had a moment alone with her he told her he did not want her to neglect her job by reading too late into night. She told him she was full of questions and she could not learn fast enough. He said to start keeping a daily journal for him. He wanted her to record the hours she slept and to keep notes on what she read online. He said he would assign a writing project to her from time to time that would cover various aspects of the BDSM that he intended to introduce her to.

He said he would read the journal once a week and they would discuss her questions. Finally, he reminded her that he would hold her accountable for the assignments and what she wrote in her journal. He said if she if she neglected to do as he told her he would be forced to take corrective action. As he spoke he raised one eyebrow with a slight frown to indicate that the corrective action he spoke of would not be pleasant. He said it would be her first lesson in submitting to his will.

For several days RG met Andy at the food court. He began to tell her all kinds of exciting BDSM scene techniques. Some she was not sure of because they sounded very strange and she was not sure if she could do them all. Each time they talked he would answer any questions and he assured her that he would never do anything that she did not want to do. “You must always consent to our play or we will not do it. Eventually, I will also find pictures on line and take you to some of the dungeons in town to show you as much as I can so you will know first hand what to expect.” Andy liked the sound of that and she told RG that she was looking forward to learning more.

One evening after work Andy received a phone message from RG. He told her that he wanted her to get her work done as quickly as possible the next afternoon. He said she was to dress in her usual skirt and blouse at work but that she was not to wear any panties that day. He told her that when the store closed she was to meet him in the storage closet in his office in back of the fitting rooms. He said she was to freshen up and strip naked.

She should let her hair hang loose. She was to kneel with her head touching the floor and her legs spread wide, and await his inspection. He finished by saying, “Tomorrow we begin my sweet little slut. And you are going to cum more than you ever imagined.” He finished with a low animal growl and as she felt herself getting wet she heard the click of the telephone as he hung up.

She was so excited that she could hardly sleep. She tossed and turned all night anticipating what he had in mind. She loved what he had told her and she was a bit surprised that hearing him call her his slut made her extremely horny. She never knew she could feel so hot over a word like that. She could hardly wait to hear him say the words out loud.

The next day Andy came to work without panties as RG had instructed. She felt a bit giddy and a strange feeling of euphoria took over, as she knew he was thinking about her being naked as well. She actually felt a little high with the anticipation. All through the day RG made a point of catching her when she was alone and leaning in close enough for her to smell his after-shave. He would quietly say things like, “I am going to fuck you like you have never been fucked my little slut.” She was sure she was going to faint when she heard him say it out loud.

Her knees were weak all day as he said sexy little things to her. Once when they were alone for a moment near the fitting room he snuck up and grabbed her by the waist from behind. He leaned in close enough to rub his hardened cock against the back of her skirt. Reaching his hand into her hair he pulled her head close to his ear. “Whose whore are you?” he demanded.

Without hesitation she answered, “I am your whore Sir.” Her knees almost buckled when the effect of her own words sank in. “I am proud to be your whore Sir.”

RG grabbed her tighter around her waist and moved her back into the fitting room a little farther. Andy knew they were alone and that it was more than an hour before the store closed. But just knowing that they were close and touching and talking to each other like this gave her thrill after thrill. And the possibility of getting caught made her wetter than ever. “Now bitch, listen carefully without comment. Do you want your Dominant to fuck you little one?”

Andy nodded eagerly. With one hand still around her waist he slid his other hand up under her skirt. He ran his hand along her backside and up her legs to her bare bottom. She froze. Then she felt his hand parting her legs and his fingers sliding into her wet cunt. She sucked in her breath; sure that everyone in the department could hear her.

He slid his fingers out and shoved them back inside her. She bit her lip so she would not make any noise. He rammed his fingers in and out, shoving them harder and faster each time. She was breathing as heavy as she could without making any noise.

Then RG took his hand off of her waist and grabbed her tit, twisting it until she gave a tiny squeal. The whole time he was finger fucking her cunt. She let her legs spread wider and she began to move her hips back onto him. She matched the rhythm of his fucking as he shoved his fingers in and out, in and out, and again and again. Finally, biting her lip hard, she felt her wet orgasm bursting inside her as the wet hot cum dribbled down her bare legs.

RG pulled her all the way into the fitting room. Turning her to face him he grabbed a fistful of hair he gave her a kiss, hard and deep. Nibbling slightly on her lips he pulled her close and shoved his fingers up into her cunt once again. Her fucked her again until he felt her legs tense as if she was going to cum again. Quickly pulling his hand out he grabbed her hair again and pulled her face close to his. “Did you enjoy the orgasm my little bitch?” She nodded yes. She was breathing hard and trying to rub her cunt onto him, wanting to cum again. Suddenly he stopped. “Well if you want to cum again my slut you will have to beg for it.” With that he released her and walked out of the fitting room.

Andy had to hold on to the door to keep her knees from buckling. She paused to catch her breath. “So, is this a Dominant man?” she asked herself. She knew she was going to love it here.

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