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Today Cosplay

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Story of Unrequited Love

There once was a boy with ADHD and dreams of getting a girl to sleep with him...

Unfortunately Detective Douche's microscopic bacteria-infested dick was rejected by his dream girl, thus prompting him to ponder his future as a cosfailure...

However, his childish optimism remained (and so did his dementedness)!

In fact, he felt like being Justin Bieber so much he wrote this…

And then one day, he met the Cookie Fairy…

He was so intoxicated by her presence that his rod kept prodding her…

Until one day he couldn’t stand his burning crotch and finally confessed…

And yet the Cookie Fairy paid no attention to him...

Even though he transformed into a raging white knight against the Evil Ministry of Gamer Totoy and started a righteous crusade for his devirginization…

In the end, he remained an unloved virgin boy still with a microscopic bacteria-infested dick.

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