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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Convention etiquette for gentlemen

Naturally, conventions are full of douchebags walking around taking photos of cosplayers without even asking those they take photos of. Or chaneros stalking girls bothering them by asking them their phone numbers, e-mail address or IM ids. Or jerks running around knocking booths manned by diligent people who make a living out of selling stuff. And what's the biggest problem with this? People don't even seem to care that there are things like this that happen. Now, how do we solve this problem? Well, we need to address the problem at hand, and that we sometimes act irresponsible in conventions, and we need to straighten up, so goes those popular words. And here it is, ladies and gents, PancitLomi's guide to being a gentleman in conventions.

1.In ticket lines to conventions, have some courtesy and let the women, children and elderly pass you in line.
I know, you're probably pissed off at that line and you're waiting for long minutes already, but don't be impatient. Instead, show a little kindness and give way to the lady or the elderly behind you. It definitely won't hurt to help out, and you'll probably be the sunbeam of the day for that person.And on some occasions, some guys would sometimes even pass through those waiting patiently in line, and make sure to keep a lookout for these guys and reprimand them for such unruly behaviour. Tell them nicely that the people in line wait patiently for their turn, and so should they.

2. Don't look into female washrooms.
Not only is this a little perverted, but this will also piss off cosplayers who aren't ready. Most cosplayers don't like being seen with costume preparations incomplete. Always consider the feelings of the people around you and be a little sensitive. Besides, female washrooms are meant for females, not males.

3. Don't be a snob.
If someone talks to you, may it be a man, woman, child, be sure to talk properly and don't be a snob. Don't ever, ever ignore people who talk to you while in conventions and be sure to extend a helping hand, if ever the person you are talking to needs it. If a person merely wants to socialize and meet you, don't act like a jerk and introduce yourself properly, like a gentleman should. Be friendly, but take care not to act like wolf in sheep's skin. Don't be chanero-level friendly. Ever. I mean it. Really.

4. Don't take photos.
Simply because gentlemen retain a beautiful cosplayer's image in their hearts. Jerks take pictures simply because it's fap fuel, and gentlemen never do so. They act properly in such conventions and act properly even when people aren't lookin'. (GT's note: Never have I seen a gentleman with the swagger and a camera anyway.)

5.Don't be shocked with merchandise in conventions.
In the recently concluded Komikon, I have seen a few misconducts amongst convention goers. Unbeknownst to many, reacting or saying something negatively about an exhibitor's merchandise is a big, big load of smelly uncivilized crap. It's part of a gentleman's etiquette to show some discretion. Remember, when you go to conventions, you aren't exactly dealing with the sanest people in planet earth, so the merchandise isn't for the sane. If you can remember the guy who drew the RG at MCC series, he was at Komikon and he was pissed off at one "coño-motherfucker" who took a look at his comics, then proceeded to shiver as if he was disgusted with our friend's manga, entitled Cataract. Don't be shocked with manga containing crucified and impaled demons, and keep your horrible remarks or feelings within yourself, and for crying out loud, you're a man! You should be ashamed of yourself, shivering at the sight of little gore! Whatever it is, may it be Yaoi, Yuri, violent and revolting stuff, have some discretion and keep it to yourself.

Bottom line, be pleasing to everyone you see. Oh, and before I forget, If you look through merchandise be sure to put it back in it's place. A horde of fanboys were looking through an artist's portfolio, and when they left they didn't even bother to give the portfolio back to the artist properly and just left it there in the table like it was garbage. And in another case, from our friend Sohee of Otaku's Den: If you're going to touch the pins and have a look at them, be sure to put them back into place and act like a prim and proper gentleman who can't stand a mess. Imagine if you were in the shoes of the exhibitor. You spent a whole hour to fix your table and a prick just comes up to the table and messes it up! That should give you a mental picture, and gentlemen do not allow such an injustice in conventions.

6. If ever there is a smaller person behind you and he/she can't see the catwalk, give way.
In cosplay catwalks, many guys don't even notice that there are smaller people behind them, and that they are blocking that person's view of the catwalk. Whenever the catwalk starts people go all haywire and stop caring about what happens around them. Gentlemen, however, do not.
If ever there is a person smaller than you, and they can't see the catwalk you should give way and make sure that they see the stage properly. Remember that gentlemen act courteously and aren't douches who go all fanboy the minute they see an awesome cosplayer. Imagine if Taiga was behind you.

7.If ever your friend did bring a camera, and you want to have a picture taken...
Act like a proper gentleman, and don't just get in a cosplayer's way like it's an ambush photoshoot or something. I know I said earlier that a gentleman keeps an image in his heart, but it definitely won't hurt to make some memories! Ask them politely if they would so kindly pose with you in front of the camera, and after the picture is taken be sure to show some manners and bow or say thanks. If ever you encounter women or children wanting to take picture with that same cosplayer you want to have a photo taken with, be sure to make them go first. A gentleman values courtesy and manners.

There you go folks, PancitLomi's guide to being a gentleman in conventions. Now that you know how to act like a proper convention-goer, go out there and be a gentleman!

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