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Saturday, April 30, 2011

5 Ways a Gentleman SHOULD NOT Handle a Break-up

Let’s face it-relationships end, for whatever reason and purpose. Sometimes other relationships last longer, and others end a lot earlier than expected. And sometimes, these break-ups are messy. But what most people fail to realize and actualize after a break-up is there is still supposed to be respect for the other party. Gentlemen do not act bitter and brag about stuff that they did with a girl they just broke up with to get even-it’s juvenile, disrespectful and ungentlemanly.

Inasmuch as I would not want to point this out, most of the relationships in cosplay communities end very badly-and I feel that it is an obligation of a gentleman to see to it that break-ups end smoothly, even though it may hurt so much to depart from the grace of your cosplay goddess, and no matter how bitter, anger and hurtful you might feel, it is not appropriate to “get even”. So, without further ado-here is PancitLomi’s guide, on What a Gentleman SHOULD NOT do in a break-up.

Do not talk about your “encounters” and your “first time”.
It is your obligation to keep your encounters, especially the sexual ones to yourself. Be a Fort Knox of stories of your relationship. You do not need to be a gentleman to know that only douchebags kiss and tell. Only liars, braggarts and snakes kiss and tell, and that clearly denotes that you have no respect for your former relationship, your former lover, and most importantly, for yourself.
Keep it to yourself, and shut up. Gentlemen also treat women with the deepest courtesy and respect, and talking about your “encounters” might make you feel more of a man, but in truth, it makes you less of a man. You’re acting like a queer who just loooves gossip. ( and balls.)

Do not spill her deepest, darkest secrets.
Spilling her secrets means that you are the one that hurts the most, and you are at the losing end of the break up. And like number 1, it shows that you clearly lack respect for the woman that you once loved( or probably still loves). Also, I think that there is a fitting word if you spill her secrets: butthurt.
Real men can take the hurt no matter what, and real gentlemen conduct themselves properly. If she has webbed feet, or a hideously gigantic birthmark somewhere in her body, keep it a secret. Is she into really “weird” or “deviant” behaviour that the public would find detestable? It is your obligation to shut your trap and not talk about it. Remember the keywords: Respect, and butthurt.
Do not send her “pictures” to a popular blogger.
Let’s say, that in the heat of the moment, things got very pleasantly nasty between you and your cosplay goddess in the past, and you two have done the said pleasantly nasty things and kept records of it such as pictures, or um, videos.

If this happened, and you two have already agreed to a break-up, then it is no fair to keep such explicit material. It is your obligation to delete/destroy them, and you SHOULD NOT, under any circumstance, give it or show it to anyone, especially a popular blogger. No thanks to technology, pictures like this will spread like wildfire in mere seconds, and boom. Everyone can see and use it in whatever way they desire.
Again, with the keyword: Respect. Remember that you once loved this cosplay goddess, you once cherished her above all else, and it isn’t right to just destroy her because you guys broke up. Isn’t it a little contradictory? Respect her, and respect yourself, no matter how hurt you are. Take it like a man.
Do not post hateful comments on every Facebook status she makes.
Technology makes it all the more easier for douchebags to do more douchebaggery. But even if that happens all the time, remember that gentlemen conduct themselves in a proper manner, no matter what situation presents itself, and the internet is no exception. And in the case of break-ups, do not use the internet to direct your hatred.
Remember the second keyword: butthurt. If she posts something on Facebook, don’t comment with something hateful or spiteful. In fact, don’t comment at all. There’s a reason why you guys broke up-you needed space and time away from each other. That kind of defeats the purpose if you post on each and every status update that she makes. No matter what she says, don’t let hate cloud your vision, young Padawan; be guided by the Force, make the right decision of not vexing or being hateful towards her, and be a gentleman.

Do not bash her ex and future boyfriends.
Everybody’s over. Do yourself a favour and move on! If she was with somebody else and you want to act like a dick and bash the shit out of him, I’m going to stop you right there-don’t do it. Remember the first keyword-Respect. Maybe we’ll throw in butthurt for good measure too.
He was something in the past, and you have nothing to do with him, even if he says something or does something towards you- ignore him. If she’s with someone new or if there’s already someone who’s courting her, ignore the fuck out of it. The keyword here is IGNORE. Gentlemen abhor conflict because it is improper. It is chaotic, and it is often times, senseless. Again, even though you’re hurting, remember that everybody’s over. Stop making a fuss and again, take it like a man.
There you go, gentlemen. But all in all, you just need to keep in mind one word: Respect. Respect, dawg. Always keep it in your mind and act accordingly in respect of your former girlfriend and the people around her. And the best thing about it is that if you followed the above rules, you have acted in a mature and gentlemanly manner. Remember that pain always fades, you’ll get through the break-up in no time at all, and it is not wise to act based on how she hurt you.

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