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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lourd Has a Message for the Youngest Professional Cosplayer

Funny how I was just talking about Gossip Girls the other day. Those people who've been asking what I meant can watch this for more details.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Top 5 Types of Youth That Ruined This Generation

When our national hero said the youth is the hope of our future, either he was referring to himself or he just didn't know any better. Looking at today's generation of young people, you can tell that the future is actually crumbling because of them. Here, I will list down the types of youth which are the bane of our existence.

DotA Boys
The thing about the social gaming culture is that, aside from keeping kids away from books, there doesn't seem to be much harm in joining the craze. When you play DotA or HoN or LoL, not only do you get better in strategy or even leadership, but you also make friends.

Why are DotA Boys so bad then? The answer would be because Dota Boys don't do anything but play the mentioned competitive games. They pay very little attention to school, which consequently leaves them unarmed for greater challenges other than usurping the enemy base.

DotA Boys end up being the cannon fodder of society, relegated to mindless labor and American cock-sucking factories known as call centers. The only future they can bring to the country is a future of corporate slaves and blue collar trash.

Gossip Girls
It's no secret that, thanks to the media and an ever so malleable society, the population is becoming less conservative and more "open-minded". Sadly, by open-minded I don't mean people are learning how to use their brains constructively. Instead of open-minded, they open their legs more, even at a younger age.

Gossip Girls are a breed of today's youth that are into, well, Gossip Girl. If you haven't heard of Gossip Girl, it's basically a novel series for teens about being rich and using your financial and social status to get as much dick as you can. Popularized by its TV show adaptation which features making out every 5 minutes, Gossip Girl has been turning prepubescent innocent virgins into sex freaks.

Gossip Girls talk about relationships whenever they get a chance to open their filthy mouths. They play games that adults may also play in beerhouse VIP rooms. Their truth-or-dare is always very daring, to say the least.

These bimbos may be better than DotA Boys in the sense that they can actually land decent jobs such as HR officers or magazine editors (mostly in Candy or Cosmo), but they're the virus that makes the church fear the RH Bill so much. Gossip Girls think promiscuity, breathe promiscuity, and spread promiscuity. Sure, they spread gossip too, when they're not too busy riding the dick of the newest "hottie" in town.

Social Networking Whores
When you say Facebook or Twitter, self-respecting adults shake their heads in shame. Social networking websites gave birth to a menace that will forever plague the Internet. Social networking websites gave birth to Social Networking Whores.

Social Networking Whores network more than they socialize. They're those annoying online personalities with appalling Facebook profiles and gratingly annoying status updates. Oftentimes they have a dozen albums titled "Vain", "Vainness", "Vanity", or other variations which all contain over a hundred of extreme close-up self-portraits. You never know what these are for, but they say "vanity" made them do it.

In this day and age, with so many entertainment options available on a performance PC with a fast Internet connection, more young people are growing up to be shut-ins. The worst class of shut-ins are the 4channers, a scornful bunch of juvenile kids who frequent frivolous and politically incorrect websites such as 4chan.

These Internet generation babies think they're smarter than everyone else because they're members of online communities composed of elitist scum. After years of being fed "memes" and infantile humor, they gain a warped view of society and an equally distorted personality.

Eventually, 4channers become worse than their video game/anime nerd siblings. They think it's funny to make fun of dead people, they have a selection of despicable fetishes, and they're increasingly devoid of human element as time goes by.

Cosplayers can be any of the above PLUS they occasionally dress up as cartoon characters or cardboard robots. Productivity reaches a new low when you're a cosplayer, because cosplayers spend most of their lives making costumes, prancing around conventions in otherworldly fashion, posing for perverted photographers to gain an ego boost, and managing their ever growing fan pages.

They also take stupidity to a new level, because they don't understand that being weird and "unique" doesn't make them special - it makes them laughable and worthy of ridicule. Additionally, as explained by a fellow PinoyCosplay writer, cosplayers aren't exactly right in the head.

If you're a cosplayer, I ask you this: when was the last time you did something for the common good? It can't be a charitable donation that you told everyone about to make you feel good about yourself, or something as silly as "cosplaying for a cause" because you know damn well it was just an excuse for you to go out there and strut your stuff.

Come on, I dare you.

Cosplay Fight

Ever wondered how inferior Filipino cosplay is compared to the rest of the world? Check this out.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Random Picture of the Day

How to take a good Chinemperor photo? Hide his face and chin.